Export a list of fields

Pete d'OronzioCrash Magic Online > Administration

Crash Magic provides a lot of analysis tools that can be helpful to planners and engineers. However, like any software, we can't do it all. This article provides one method for sending some data from Crash Magic to another program for further analysis or reporting. Specifically, we will specify a list of fields and select them for export to a CSV, Excel or KML file.

 Obtaining crash data from the Arizona ACIS portal

Pete d'OronzioStandard configurations > Arizona (ALISS/ACIS)

The State of Arizona provides access to their crash data through a Citrix (remote desktop) portal. In order to download data, a user must log in to a Citrix remote desktop; access the ACIS website; and initiate a download of the data to your local computer.

Note: This document is provided as-is. Pd’ Programming does not have special knowledge of or direct access to the ACIS system. We have captured the screens below with the assistance of a local agency that does have access. Please follow any instructions provided by the DOT.

 Duplicate case number found in dataset

adminCrash Magic Online > Data

Crash Magic will generate an error when rendering a diagram that indicates there is a duplicate case number. This is a little misleading because the program is not capable of importing a duplicate record into the database. In reality, this error more than likely means that there is an error in a crash record that is causing our query to generate multiple rows for a single crash. A common example is when a crash has two drivers for the same vehicle.

 Formatting XML

adminCrash Magic Online > Data

In order to read and/or compare XML files it can be handy to format them in a common way. This article describes one method for doing this. It relies on a free 3rd party product that needs to be downloaded first.