This page gives information regarding the Passenger Only data entry form for Colorado DR3447.
If you are importing data, please contact us before editing data with the Crash Magic data entry program. Otherwise any changes may be lost with a future import.
If you are only doing data entry into Crash Magic (no importing), you must include all passengers that had any injury on this form.
Knowledge Base
Crash Magic Online
This article describes how to update the protected portions of a configuration at an on-site installation where the client manages their own server(s).
Crash Magic provides a lot of analysis tools that can be helpful to planners and engineers. However, like any software, we can't do it all. This article provides one method for sending some data from Crash Magic to another program for further analysis or reporting. Specifically, we will specify a list of fields and select them for export to a CSV, Excel or KML file.
The Crash Magic program utilizes a third-party product in order to create (print) PDF output of its reports. This article describes how to set/update the license for that product when hosting Crash Magic on your in-house server. This article does not apply to clients for whom Pd' Programming hosts Crash Magic at
Unlike Chrome and Edge, Firefox does not easily allow speaker selection. This can be a problem when using Firefox for video conferencing and you would like to use speakers other than the default.
This page gives information regarding the new DR3447 data for the technical user.
When installing Crash Magic Online on an agency server (rather than using our hosted service) you may opt to configure the system for "Windows Authentication." Once configured, logins work when using Chrome or Firefox, but not using Microsoft's Edge browser.
The State of Arizona provides access to their crash data through a Citrix (remote desktop) portal. In order to download data, a user must log in to a Citrix remote desktop; access the ACIS website; and initiate a download of the data to your local computer.
Note: This document is provided as-is. Pd’ Programming does not have special knowledge of or direct access to the ACIS system. We have captured the screens below with the assistance of a local agency that does have access. Please follow any instructions provided by the DOT.
Crash Magic hosted on provides a number of options for importing new crash data. This article describes those options.
Pd' Programming has produced several additional utilities to work with Crash Magic. Including the Data entry/edit program, and Map Magic. This installer will install those components to be used with Crash Magic.
The Crash Magic object map editor has changed the order in which it displays the rules for generating crash symbols. The rules are now displayed in the order that they will be rendered rather than alphabetically.
States periodically update their crash report form. This article describes how those changes will affect your use of that data in Crash Magic Online.
Colorado has adopted a new crash report form DR 3447. As agencies slowly move over to the new form, we will be updating Crash Magic with a new configuration to match.
Crash Magic version 4 & version 5 can take advantage of an ArcGIS Server installation to provide additional functionality in the program This article describes what those features are and what is required to take advantage of them.
Reference for editing
In Texas, crash data is available to agencies through the CRIS data system. By following the steps included here, you can download and unzip data files suitable for import into Crash Magic. You also have the option to FTP the data to our servers rather than using the browser interface. That process is described at the bottom of this article.
There are two methods for importing data into Crash Magic. The first is the standard manual process using the Crash Magic Online web pages. The second method utilizes FTP for automatic processing.
Directions for adding and deleting Aliases in Crash Magic.
When Crash Magic is installed on a client server, the client database must provide storage for crash data and Crash Magic system tables. This article describes these tables and required login information.
Georgia DOT has a crash database managed by Lexis Nexus that can be accessed by any jurisdiction in Georgia. You will need to request access, and fill out a user agreement in order to receive a login and password.
With the updates to Crash Magic, also came an update to the data entry / edit program.
Crash data can be imported from many sources. This article describes the case where the data is provided as an ASCII file or other files that can be read by MS ADO such as MS Access or DBF.
We recognize that Crash Magic can be initially daunting to some new users. But it can be a very powerful tool for analysis, so we want our users to become masters! As always, if you need any help, or would like us to create a custom report for you, please let us know. These instructions will help get you started with the basics.
How to obtain data from Washington State Dept of Transportation for Crash Magic
In California, crash data is available to agencies through the SWITRS data website. By following the steps included here, you can download files that are suitable for importing into Crash Magic.
Crash Magic users selecting a date field my see the wrong time associated with the date, and users selecting a time field may see the wrong date with the time field.
While we do our best to read databases correctly, we also request the hard copy police reports (or electronic images) to test the flow of information from the officer's report; through converting and importing; and then the display of the crash on a diagram. This will help ensure we are interpreting the data correctly.
Crash Magic can be mapped to a collision database. This allows Crash Magic to be configured to collision data that is already working for a client. There are some required and recommended fields to get the most from the program.
This article describes how to export coordinate data from Crash Magic for import into ESRI's ArcMap software.
This article describes the ArcGIS Server requirements for street centerline, geocode/locator and print services, including samples of expected REST API request URLs and JSON responses. These services are required for Crash Magic GIS-based features to work.
Crash Magic GIS Services require spatial database functionality. This article describes requirements for Oracle database servers.
Crash Magic will generate an error when rendering a diagram that indicates there is a duplicate case number. This is a little misleading because the program is not capable of importing a duplicate record into the database. In reality, this error more than likely means that there is an error in a crash record that is causing our query to generate multiple rows for a single crash. A common example is when a crash has two drivers for the same vehicle.
Most fields in the primary study query have either a lookup name or 'none' or !date or !time to reflect the content in the field. This value is used for presenting options for that field in the filter editor and for display of the field on reports. The xCoord and yCoord normalized values use this same value to indicate the geographic coordinate system or projection that the two coordinate fields represent their values in.
Crash Magic may be licensed as "hosted" or "local install". When hosted, the only requirements for use of the software are a modern browser. This article describes the hardware and software requirements for a "local install".
Usually when Crash Magic is initially setup, only one or two users with logins are created. This article will give the steps for adding a new user. 1. Login to the Crash Magic Admin Side (you must have Admin rights to do this). 2. On the left side you will see your group name, […]
Crash Magic reports have a lot of options available to customize them. A convenient way of re-using these settings is to save them as a report template. Templates like this can also be set as the default for a user or user group.
Crash data can be imported from many sources. This article describes the case where the data is provided as an XML file. If your data is being provided in XML format, you also have the option to FTP the data to our servers rather than using the browser interface.
ADO is the current preferred means of connecting a program to a data source in an MS Windows environment. This article describes how to connect to a text or dbase file data source using ADO without first creating an ODBC DSN.
Sometimes you'll wish to combine intersections or studies to get a bigger view of an area. Or you might already have a list of case numbers you wish to do a study for.
In Arizona, crash data is available to participating agencies through the ALISS Safety Data Mart. By following the steps included here, you can create data files suitable for import into Crash Magic.
Crash Magic provides the ability to move and/or rotate crash graphics. Diagrams that have been manipulated in this way will sometimes show the crashes in different locations, or removed from the display altogether.
Pd' Programming is hosting mini training sessions periodically using the GoToMeeting platform. This allows us to host up to 25 users per meeting. All meeting information and invites will be sent via email. If you plan on attending, please reply with a RSVP, or email to RSVP to assure a spot. Meetings will start with a specific topic and followed by a Q&A session on that topic. Then the presenter can address general questions on any topic. Training sessions are subject to change or cancellation due to scheduling or attendance. In the event of any last minute changes or technical difficulties, this page will be updated with the current information.
There are several locations where errors are logged from Crash Magic
Clicking on the print preview tab of a report in Crash Magic Online displays only a box with a red x.
In order to do automatic downloads and imports into Crash Magic using our FTP server, Pd Programming will need a Static IP address to secure our FTP server.
Crash Magic requires Microsoft Silverlight to display and manipulate collision diagrams. Firefox will no longer display collision diagrams, instead prompting to install Silverlight, but never completing the process.
This document describes Pd' Programming's intended development strategy and release schedule. It is intended as a guide for system administrators creating their own update and maintenance schedules.
Some users have experienced an issue with collision graphics that have been moved showing up in the wrong location
In order to read and/or compare XML files it can be handy to format them in a common way. This article describes one method for doing this. It relies on a free 3rd party product that needs to be downloaded first.
No Oracle OLE DB driver is shown when building a connection string after installing the Oracle 11gR2 client.
Selecting a street where a collision occurred does not allow the user to select the cross street
Crash Magic cross tab reports may not report the same number of collisions as the study from which the report is created
When a user has been on Crash Magic for a while they may notice that the wrong report is displaying, changes that they make to a report do not display or they may receive an Unhandled error in Silverlight
When Crash Magic Online is first set up user may not have any streets available to select in the street selectors of a study
Crash Magic Desktop users may receive the error message "Navigation to the webpage was canceled" after installing Crash Magic or the Updates form will display the message "This program requires MS XML 4.0 to be present"
Users upgrading their configuration may receive the error EcmRA_Base: RALoadDEDefinition EcmRA_Analysis: Failed to load data entry definition PSRattr (Name of data entry definition)
This article covers the steps used to upgrade your configuration if you have receive a new file from Pd' Programming.
Crash Magic Online users will see a session expired page or cookies not enabled page when they access Crash Magic Online from a saved Favorites or saved desktop icon.
Crash Magic can now access images and reports stored in a folder as of version 2.13
Changing schematics may result in a blank diagram shown
Users may receive an ORA-02391: exceeded simultaneous SESSIONS_PER_USER limit
Pd' Programming has identified a performance problem when using Magic Auto, Import/Export and Copy/Paste. This problem does NOT affect data accuracy.
When an MS Access (.mdb) database is moved from one computer to another, which have different versions of Access, attempting to reference macro/VB libraries will fail. This is because the most recent edits to the file caused Access to select libraries that may not be on the new computer.
Crash Magic makes extensive use of Parameters in its SQL queries. This article describes how the program handles setting a parameter for DECIMAL or BCD fields.
Pd' Programming has identified a potential problem in the MagicAuto processing in Crash Magic Online. We are investigating and will post a knowledgebase article as soon as we have isolated it. The problem does not affect data accuracy. It is a performance issue that may affect users of Crash Magic Online when using the MagicAuto feature to call the program from a 3rd party application.