Software and database update guidelines


This document describes Pd’ Programming’s intended development strategy and release schedule. It is intended as a guide for system administrators creating their own update and maintenance schedules.


Crash Magic is, and will continue to be developed at a fairly rapid rate. New features are constantly being integrated at the request of clients, and bug fixes are incorporated as they are identified. In order to support new features, system tables must sometimes be modified. In some cases, changes will be posted in anticipation of future enhancements.

While we will strive to adhere to this schedule, this document is subject to change. In the event of such change, we will do our best to notify our clients as early as possible in the process.


The following describes our internal guidelines and schedules for software and database updates:

Crash Magic version history and current version numbers are available at The top of the page contains all of the beta, release candidate, and official release versions.  At the bottom of the page, is a list of all official releases and a summary of the changes in each version.

Crash Magic release candidates will be made available to select clients.
  • Release candidates are published to our beta and configs server instances on upon creation.
  • Release candidates are made available as frequently as every few months.
  • Release candidates are in the process of internal and client testing
  • Release candidates are versions of the software that demonstrate new features and or fixes.
  • Until a release candidate is promoted to official release, it should be considered pre-release software and installed in test environments only.
Candidates will be promoted to official release quarterly.
  • A release candidate that has shown to be stable and passed our internal and customer testing will be promoted to an official release.
  • The first step of official release is that version is published for our hosted users on
Changes to the system tables will occur once per year in January.
  • Changes to the system tables will be published 3 months before the official release that will requires those changes.
  • Official releases that require system table changes will include functionality to execute those changes directly. They will also be able to simply provide SQL scripts to effect the changes
  • System table changes will be provided as complete SQL table creation scripts as well as scripts to alter existing tables
  • System administrators and/or Database Administrators are welcome to modify the scripts prior to execution in order to add storage specifications, move indexes, grant additional privileges and roles, or any other desired changes that maintain the tables and columns needed for the application. Removal or modification of indexes, especially primary keys should be done with great care by an experienced DBA
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