Navigation to the webpage was canceled


Crash Magic Desktop users may receive the error message “Navigation to the webpage was canceled” after installing Crash Magic or the Updates form will display the message “This program requires MS XML 4.0 to be present”


When a user first opens Crash Magic Desktop they may receive the message “Navigation to the webpage was canceled”. Crash Magic requires Microsoft XML 4.0 to function correctly. On some computer systems this version of XML may not have be installed into the standard location or not installed at all. Without this Microsoft component Crash Magic is unable to load any of the XML files used by the program.

Versions 3.3 of Crash Magic and later will automatically install MS XML 4.0.


To resolve this issue the MS XML 4.0 msi installer must be downloaded and run. Here is how

  1. Go to the MS XML 4.0 download site from Microsoft “
  2. Click the Download button for msxml.msi
  3. Select Run to run the installer
  4. Follow the installer instructions

Once the installer has run the users should be able to open Crash Magic Desktop

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