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This shows how to install Map Magic into ArcMap Version 9
ArcMap must be informed of the Map Magic plug-in before it can interact with a client map. This will explain how to install the Map Magic dll into ArcMap.
This solution assumes that the dll has already been saved to an appropriate location. If you have not downloaded and saved the MapMagicCMO.dll, then see our article Where to save the Map Magic dll.
- Open your GIS map in ArcMap.
- Right click on one of the tool bars and select customize.
- Click on the Commands tab.
- Click the Add from file… button.
- Browse to and select the MapMagicCMO.dll that was saved earlier.
- Click the OK button to add the objects to the list of commands.
- Now drag the buttons from the commands list to the users preferred locations in the tool bar.
Once the plug-in has been installed in ArcMap import the configuration for your environment. See “Copying a Map Magic configuration” for information on copying a working configuration from an existing Map Magic plug-in.