A new version of Map Magic has been released to work with Arc Map 10
ESRI has released ArcMap version 10, and the previous Map Magic dll is not compatible with the new ArcMap. Pd’ Programming has now released a version of Map Magic that is compatible. This article describes how to install the new buttons into the ArcMap tools
A copy of the new Map Magic Add-In will need to be downloaded from the Pd Magic web site. Pd’ Programming recommeds the new file be saved to the Crash Magic server under the user downloads directory(<
Users will then be able to log into Crash Magic, and select the downloads tab from their home page. From here they can click on the file link to download the new Add-In to their machines. If your organization has not defined a default Add-In directory for ArcMap objects Pd Programming recommends creating a PdMagicMapMagic directory in the program files directory to save the file( “Program FilesPdMagicMapMagic” for 32 bit and Program Files (x86)PdMagicMapMagic for 64bit machines). Once saved to a local users machine the file can be installed. Prior versions of Map Magic are not compatible with ArcMap 10