Crash Magic v4.5 technical requirements


Crash Magic may be licensed as “hosted” or “local install”. When hosted, the only requirements for use of the software are a modern browser. This article describes the hardware and software requirements for a “local install”.



Crash Magic is the newest generation of crash records analysis tools from Pd’ Programming, Inc.

It follows the successful Intersection Magic crash records analysis software created in 1987, and used by thousands of engineers in city, county and state DOT offices across the country.
This new tool is server based. It runs under MS Windows IIS, connected to an SQL database. Users connect via a web browser on a local intranet or across the Internet.
Note: The system may also be installed as a Windows Service.

As a server-based product, Crash Magic has different requirements than our desktop systems.  Performance will be dependent on factors including server speed, database speed, network speed as well as proper configuration and maintenance of the databases used.


System requirements

Server Operating Systems

  • MS Windows Server 2008 R2 (EOS 2020)
  • MS Windows Server 2012 R2 (EOS 2023)
  • MS Windows Server 2016 (EOS 2027)
  • MS Windows Server 2019 (EOS 2029)
  • MS Windows Server 2022 (EOS 2031)

SQL Servers

Crash Magic requires connections to one or more databases as described below.  Crash Magic provides scripts for and enforces schema and index requirements for its SYStem tables automatically. Pd’ Programming does not provide support for any other database creation, maintenance, or backups which should be provided by the hosting agency’s qualified DBA’s.

Crash Magic requires two types of database connections:

  1. System connection – For managing Crash Magic application state
    System tables are used by the program to store system state, user settings, configuration, etc.
    The program requires SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE access to these tables. If the program is to create the tables, it will also need CREATE TABLE access. (optionally the program can provide the SQL statements required to create the tables and a system administrator can execute the commands)
  2. Crash Data connection – Access to crash data to be analyzed and reported on
    Crash, roadway and other safety releated data.
    These tables may be accessed in read-only mode, with only SELECT access.
    Or, the data in these tables may be maintained by Crash Magic, allowing data entry and importing.  In this case, the program will require SELECT, UPDATE, DELETE access.

Logins, security and connection pooling:

  • Crash Magic performs connection pooling for it’s system tables. In general, each user action utilizes a system connection for the moment the action is occurring. Users do not maintain system table connections across requests.
  • Connections to crash data may be made on a per-user login basis, or with all users sharing the same login. In both cases a connection is created, used and destroyed during the processing of each report. When a per-user login is specified for the crash data connection, each user’s login and password is used by Crash Magic when connecting. When a single login is specified, that login and password is used for every user.
  • Each user of the Crash Magic system must have an account in Crash Magic. That account specifies a login name and password.
    In order to avoid the task of maintaining passwords in multiple systems, Crash Magic can store only a login, and “pass-thru” the password from login to the SQL server. This login can also be used to validate users into Crash Magic.
    MS Active Directory Services may also be used to authenticate a user and provide access to their Crash Magic account.

This system has been developed and tested around the following systems, and all of them function properly:

Note: Development and primary testing are done on Microsoft SQL Server 2019.  Secondary and Beta testing are performed on Oracle 19c and PostgreSQL v15.
“EOS”: End of standard support date provided by manufacturer. Systems past their EOS date will have limited support.
“client tested”: Has been run successfully on client systems, but not tested in house.
“untested”: Not tested, but expected to work. Will be tested as needed/requested.
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2008R2 (EOS 2014)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2012 (EOS 2017)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2014 (EOS 2019)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2016 (EOS 2021)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2017 (EOS 2022)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (EOS 2025)
  • Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (EOS 2028)
  • Oracle 9iR2 (EOS 2008)
  • Oracle 10g (EOS 2013)
  • Oracle 11g (EOS 2020)
  • Oracle 12c (EOS 2022)
  • Oracle 18c (EOS 2021)
  • Oracle 19c (EOS 2025)
  • Oracle 21c (EOS 2024)
  • IBM DB2 10 (EOS 2020 – client tested)
  • IBM DB2 11 (EOS 2025 – client tested)
  • PostgreSQL 11 (EOS 2023 – client tested)
  • PostgreSQL 12 (EOS 2024 – untested)
  • PostgreSQL 13 (EOS 2025 – untested)
  • PostgreSQL 14 (EOS 2026 – untested)
  • PostgreSQL 15 (EOS 2027)
  • PostgreSQL 16 (EOS 2028 – testing in progress)

GIS components

Crash Magic has several optional pieces of functionality that utilize ESRI components. At this time, ArcGIS Server with REST services exposed is required to be provided by the client.  ArcGIS Online is not yet supported:

Inline pin maps

  • Crash Magic has built-in pin maps that utilize the public ArcGISOnline maps OR
  • Clients may provide REST access to their ArcGIS server. This allows for use of custom layers such as construction, volume data, bicycle lanes, etc.
  • This feature requires one or more Map Services exposed by the ArcGIS Server

Map Magic

  • Map Magic is an ArcMap v10.x desktop add-in that provides access to Crash Magic
  • REST is used to communicate with Crash Magic
  • This feature requires ArcMap v10.3 or newer and a suitable base map. In addition, a crash layer is helpful

GIS-based collision diagrams

  • In addition to the static collision diagrams that Crash Magic is known for, a new feature enables the program to produce “dynamic collision diagrams” based on the road alignments reported by ArcGIS Server
  • REST is used to communicate with ArcGIS from the Crash Magic servers.
  • This feature requires a Street Centerline Map Service and a Gecoding service exposed by an ArcGIS Server.

Geocoding service

  • Pd’ Programming has a geocoding service that uses intersection street names plus distance and direction from the nearest intersection.
  • This feature requires a Street Centerline Map Service and a Gecoding service exposed on an ArcGIS Server.


The required hardware is dependent on the number of simultaneous users of the system. The spec’s below are intended for a basic installation supporting ~15 simultaneous logins. These specs also assume that Crash Magic is the only software using these resources. If other software is installed on the server, its requirements should be added to these.

Note: While it is possible to install the system and/or crash database on the same server/VM, it is not recommended as both processes will be active at the same time during each request.

  • Intel-based Server or Virtual Machine with at least 2 server class processors, more than 4 preferred.
  • 4 Gigabytes available RAM required, production servers should generally have >= 32 GB.
  • 5 Gigabytes of application installation hard disk space.
  • 10 Gigabytes of hard disk space available for processing. This will vary depending on number of concurrent users and reports in use.


  • Application Server to Client Bandwidth – minimum recommended 500Mb/s. (i.e. DSL, Cable, 100Mb/1Gb/10Gb/100Gb)
  • Application Server to Database Server Bandwidth – minimum recommended 1Gb/s. Faster preferred. This connection is critical and generally determines overall application performance
  • HTTP/HTTPS protocol to browsers (Crash Magic hosted on requires HTTPS / SSL)
  • Single IP address – user defined
  • Single port – user defined
  • Connection to internet required for mapping and some diagramming functionality.  ( / and

Client software

Crash Magic generally supports the most current version of all modern browsers:
Note: Development and testing are performed on Firefox, Chrome and Edge.

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 11 (End of life)
  • Firefox
  • Chrome
  • Safari – untested
  • MS Edge
  • A PDF Reader is also required, but is built in to many browsers.


Software provided for installation

  • Product installer
  • Crash Magic executables (Service and ISAPI provided)
  • Crash Magic IIS prep utility (Sets up users, groups, sites, virtual directories and permissions in IIS)
  • Configuration – XML file(s) for program import*

Items not provided except by contract

  • Computer hardware
  • Networking hardware or software
  • Operating systems
  • Database software (see above for options)
  • Database drivers
  • Database maintenance

*Configuration files are generally purchased from Pd’ Programming, but may be prepared by client if desired


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