Map Magic makes it easy to copy a configuration for others to use.
Once a configuration for Map Magic has been created and tested, the configuration can be copied to other Map Magic installations. This allows new users to install the Map Magic plug-in and then upload the configuration.
NOTE: Map Magic configurations settings will not work between versions ArcMap 9 and ArcMap 10.
New features have been added to ArcMap 10 and the settings are no longer compatible with the previous version of Map Magic. Users installing the new Map Magic for ArcMap 10 need to create new settings. See our article Map Magic settings for ArcMap 10. Once the settings for ArcMap 10 are working the settings can then be copied.
These instructions for copying a Map Magic configuration assume that the current Map Magic configuration is working correctly. Please, contact Pd Programming if you do not have an existing working Map Magic configuration.
Export the Map Magic configuration.
1. Locate an existing working install of the Map Magic plug-in
2. Open ArcMap
3. Click on the Map Magic settings button
ArcMap 9 Map Magic settings button
or for ArcMap 10
4. With the Common tab selected click on the Export settings button
5. Save the settings.xml file to a network drive that other users can access
With the settings file now exported other users can import this file. The Map Magic plug-in must be installed into ArcMap before settings can be imported. See “Installing the Map Magic dll in ArcMap 9” to install the Map Magic plug-in for ArcMap 9.
1. Open ArcMap
2. Click on the Map Magic settings button
ArcMap 9 Map Magic settings button
or for ArcMap 10 Map Magic settings button for ArcMap 10
3. With the Common tab selected click the Import settings button
4. Select the settings.xml file that you had saved in the previous section
5. Click the Save button to save the changes and close the window