Colorado Severity Calculated category list


This article, specific to users of the Crash Magic DR3447 standard configuration, describes a custom category list that captures all the known variables pertaining to the severity of a crash.


PdMagic has created a category list that can be used to get a complete view of the severity of crashes.  Rather than explain the details and the need for this category list here, reading Colorado overall crash severity is a prerequisite.

This category list has been used to create a Severity Calculated chart and frequency report for overall crash severity.  We hope to soon provide it as a calculated field as well.

This category list uses the standard KABCO fields from either the occupant data or CDOT severity fields to populate its first 5 values. In recognition of the fact that many configurations have data in them that does not have KABCO values, this category list also displays Non KABCO value counts. Between these two sets of (mutually exclusive) categories, this report should be able to provide an appropriate severity count for any crash.

However, the final category is “Conflicting values”. We have found that some crashes report a number of injuries and also report a severity of “No apparent injury”.  In almost all cases, these are data errors.  In order for this chart to always sum to 100%, this bin shows those values.

When using this category list for a frequency, crosstab or chart, it is safe to hide the missing rows/columns. In this case, if there are no non-KABCO values or conflicting values, those rows will not show up.  If any of these values do exist, those rows will always be shown.


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