Arizona database updates


This article is for our Arizona clients who are using the DOT’s ALISS / ACIS system for their Crash Magic database.


As Arizona continues to update and improve their system, they also continue to change the output format that you use for Crash Magic.  Often we are informed of these changes in advance, but sometimes we find out when our clients contact us with a problem.  Pd’ Programming will continue to update the ALISS/ACIS configuration as fast as possible.  But please let us know if you see any changes as you encounter them.


The following is a list of changes over time that we have encountered and how we addressed them.

  • 5/10/2023 – A new field “Physical7” (Marijuana) has been added to the ACIS extract. The Crash Magic ACIS configuration is now configured to import these files.  The following resources have been updated to support the new field:
    • The value “Marijuana” has been added as a lookup and will appear in reports, the filter editor and field list selector.
    • Import converter and Import editor – Any extracts imported starting on this day must be in this new format. Extracts from the old format will fail before import begins.
    • Calculated fields Physical_Drv1, Physical_Drv2 and Physical_Drv3 – These aggregate fields now place Marijuana just below alcohol and drugs.
    • ObjectMap – The object map, when rendering a diagram will now draw the DUI symbol when Marijuana is indicated.
    • Study Query – Physical7 is now available throughout the system. It will populated be empty for crash data imported prior to this date.
    • Batch Editing – This feature for editing crash data in Excel and then re-importing into Crash Magic supports Physical 7 as well.
  • 4/6/2021 – “NSC Reportable” is redefined by AZ State law to have a threshold of $2000 for property damage crashes, up from $1000.  While Crash Magic imports this field, we do not include it in the query and thus this change does not affect our clients at all.  (we do keep a list of lookups that we have updated to use the word “Threshold” instead of “$1000” in case this field is added in the future)
  • 6/2020 – “First harmful” lookup is no longer active, has been replaced with “First harmful event” lookup.  Crash Magic lookup tables revised.  We’re not sure when this change occurred, but Crash Magic has been updated.
  • 12/2019 – Major changes – Many lookup and database value changes for ACIS.  Crash Magic lookup tables revised.  If you would like more information on these changes see our knowledge base article at
  • 11/2019 – “RegYear” field changed data type.  Crash Magic database updated.  We’re not sure when this change occurred, but Crash Magic has been updated.
  • 8/2019 – Deleted and re-imported databases for Tempe and Mesa to fix street name issues.
  • 8/2019 – ACIS finalizes streets / geocoding fixes.  No changes to Crash Magic importer, but should no longer see additions to street names.
  • 2/2019 – ACIS adds column headers to data structure.  Crash Magic converter changes.
  • 10/2018 – ACIS adds alpha characters to the end of  street names.  Crash Magic importer changes to remove / convert all extra characters to match with existing street names.
  • 8/2018 – ACIS adds extra spaces to street names.  Crash Magic importer changes to remove / convert all extra characters to match with existing street names.
  • 6/2018 – ACIS  adds extra characters to street names for county and state roads during geocoding process.  Crash Magic importer changes to remove / convert all extra characters to match with existing street names.
  • 12/2015 – ALISS moves “hit and run flag” to crash level and “road surface” field to vehicle level.  Intersection Magic database and importer change.
  • 4/2015 – ALISS adds “offset direction” (instead of “suppdirfromint”), “secondary crash flag”, and “distracted driving” fields.  Crash Magic database, importer, and lookups changed.
  • 3/2015 – ALISS database change for ped and bike crash values. Intersection Magic database, importer changed.
If you have any questions about the ADOT database, please contact John Riemer at
If you have any questions regarding Crash Magic, please contact us at
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